I just posted about our new office and one of the things left to do was a new desk. Well tonight Adam and I took a trip to our local Habitat for Humanity re-sale store and found a beauty! Meet the orange-cream-sicle. We were browsing in the door section thinking about getting an old door to turn into a desk when we spotted this:
It is just a table topper/counter top, not really sure what it was thing. {We set it ontop of our other desk for now}.
The plan:
-Paint the molding around the edge. The orange doesn't exactly match my orange accent I have going, but for now I'm going to keep it to see how I like it once I get my new curtains made and other decor in the room. Adam thinks we should keep it orange - I'm not sure.
-New legs or Adam wants to build a shelving unit under for support and a spot to store his records.
Hmmm, options.
Thoughts anyone?
You should stand the creamsicle up, cut your old desk in half, bracket each half to opposite sides of the creamsicle and you will each have a desk with a privacy wall....like the pic in the book i showed you. Then you can have peg board, shelves etc on the rest of the creamsicle in front of you...I know you won't do it, but could be cool. :o)