Thursday, June 10, 2010

Meet Trudie! ... and the new couch

We've added a new family member!!! Meet Trudie Elvebak! A little West Highland Terrier puppy. She is 11 weeks old & only 8" tall! She is a little bundle of fun! Her brothers {2 cats, Charlie & Hamilton} are about twice her size. Hamilton doesn't really want anything to do with her and Charlie is curious and will occasionally play a little. We brought her home on Saturday, June 5th, and have had a blast with her since! Since we've had her she's met her grandmas, some aunts, an uncle, cousin Maylon, several neighbors, her guncles, the little day care kids down the street, ... and we even made a trip to Goodwill and TjMaxx! {what are the rules for taking your doggie to stores?} These pictures are sooo cute of her, but she is so much better in person! She loves meeting new people!
It's a good thing Charlie and Hamilton had such a great wardrobe, Trudie can now fit the things they've grown out of! Like a PINK snuggie!!

she loves her toys! and her bed!
Swim suit season!
 each one of our 'kids' stick their tongue's out, is this normal??
{see charlie here}
Cousin Maylon loved Trudie, I think...
hahahah, he wasn't sure about the laser pointer though.
he tried catching it!

he did this all on his own :-) 
Maylon's birthday list: Laser Pointer, Dog Crate, remote control mouse...
Charlie and Hamilton like the crate too!
not sure who loves it more.

 and finally, our new couch! Over Memorial Day weekend we bought a new couch, finally!! Our old couch was a hand-me-down and worked great for the time we had it, but it was time for us to get our own. We found this one at {Macy's}. It was on sale, then we opened a Macy's card to save us an extra 20%! I now have plans to re-paint the living room - a new living room post will be coming hopefully soon!
 Trudie is such a happy puppy!
Oh little Trudie! We love her sooo much already! This weekend we have plans to go to the farmers market downtown and to some yard sales! Hope she enjoys it!

1 comment:

  1. Your Trudie is too cute! We have a Westie named Trudie as well. She will be 5 yrs in November, and also answers to Tru, Truey, Trudes and probably a few more names that escape me at the moment. See her dashing thru the snow on our cabin rental website We love her to pieces!

    Your creativity is inspiring :)

    Best Wishes,

    Julie & Trudie
