A couple weekends ago I had spring fever and decided I was going to spruce up our front yard. I pulled weeds, raked, and painted the mailbox. When we first moved in, Adam was gone for a weekend and my BFF Emily came down to help me paint and fix things up. We were painting my office, you guessed it, PINK - and we had some left over paint, so as a joke we painted the mailbox to see how long it would take Adam to notice once he got home. He noticed, right away, but didn't seem to care - he's used to pink by now. And so, for the last year and a half our mailbox has been pink! {I can't believe I don't have a before picture!} I decided that it was time for the pink mailbox to go and I had plenty of paint from the front door left over so I painted it green. After I had finished I decided we needed some flowers. I went to HomeDepot and picked out some Primrose to plant. By the time I got home it was getting dark so I decided I'd finish later. It was a good thing I did because in the next couple days we got SNOW! I love when it snows so this was a good thing. But, sadly it melted fast.
Trudie LOVED it!
Anyway, so a few weeks have past and this last Sunday I finally got them planted. I dug out a spot around the mailbox, and put a rock border. Since I do not have a green thumb I thought this turned out pretty ok.

Now I am ready to work on the yard some more. Come on Spring!
so cute, love the flowers!